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3 Mistakes That Hurt Your SaaS Marketing Plan

Written by Kayla Pepperall | Jan 11, 2024 6:45:00 PM

Creating a SaaS marketing plan is always a good idea. Whether or not the plan will be effective is an entirely different story. The SaaS landscape is fiercely competitive, and a robust marketing plan is essential. However, even the best SaaS marketing tactics can come up short if you make these common mistakes.

  1. Ignoring Your Ideal Customer
  2. Undervaluing Content Marketing
  3. Underestimating Data & Analytics

Logically, doing the exact opposite can help create an effective B2B SaaS marketing plan for your business. While there’s no SaaS marketing plan template that’s one-size-fits-all, avoiding those three mistakes can help you come up with a successful SaaS marketing strategy.

What makes a good SaaS marketing strategy

A good SaaS marketing strategy is the lifeblood of a successful SaaS business. It's more than just flashy ads and catchy slogans; it's a well-crafted roadmap that attracts the right customers, builds trust, and drives sustainable growth. 

There isn’t a single, universal SaaS marketing playbook, but as a rule of thumb, following the 5 points below is a good start on how to market a SaaS product.

  1. Have a deep understanding of your ideal customer
  2. Partner with a content marketing powerhouse
  3. Employ data-driven decision-making
  4. Hone in on paid advertising with precision
  5. Always prioritize customer relationships

By focusing on these elements and embracing a data-driven, customer-centric approach, developing a SaaS marketing growth plan that resonates with your target audience, attracts new customers, and drives sustainable growth for your business will be easy. Remember, it's not a one-time effort; continuous monitoring, testing, and adaptation are crucial for success in the ever-evolving SaaS marketing landscape.

What you need to make a good B2B SaaS marketing plan

Crafting a solid go-to-market plan SaaS requires a strategic blend of understanding your target audience, effectively showcasing your value proposition, and leveraging data-driven decision-making.

Much like a good B2B SaaS marketing strategy, a good B2B SaaS marketing plan incorporates several tactics.

  1. Have a deep understanding of your target audience. This includes creating buyer personas and engaging in detailed market research to understand industry trends, competitor strategies, and more.
  2. Hone in on a compelling value proposition that clearly articulates the unique value your SaaS offers.
  3. Partner with a content marketing powerhouse (like BOL) to create high-quality content that educates, informs, and engages your target audience. These are content pieces like blog posts, e-books, case studies, webinars, white papers, and more.
  4. Focus efforts on targeted Lead Generation with personalized landing pages, lead nurturing campaigns, and PPC advertising.
  5. Use data-driven optimization and track key metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, customer acquisition cost, and customer lifetime value. Regularly analyze all that data and use insights to understand what's working and what's not, and inform your marketing decisions.

Following these guidelines can help kickstart you on a successful SaaS marketing plan journey. That said, partnering with the best SaaS marketing agencies (like BOL) is still the best way to make sure things are getting done right.

What to consider when developing a SaaS marketing growth plan

Growing your SaaS business demands a well-defined marketing growth plan that fuels customer acquisition, retention, and overall prosperity.

To start, you need to understand your growth stage. Are you a startup just dipping your toes in the water? Have you gone through several rounds of funding, or are you a market leader fending off competitors? Each stage has a different focus for your growth plan. 

Once you’ve established your growth stage, you can start defining your growth goals. Remember the acronym, SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART goals provide clear direction and help you track progress.

It almost goes without saying, but you need to make sure you’re targeting the right audience. That means knowing the right buyer personas, and making sure you’re targeting them, and more importantly, resonating with them.

Hot on the heels of targeting the right audience, you need to build lasting customer relationships through things like exceptional customer service, active customer engagement, and personalized upselling and cross-selling. 

Bonus Tip: Stay agile and embrace innovation. The world never stops moving and neither should your SaaS marketing plan.

How much do SaaS companies spend on marketing

How much do SaaS companies spend on marketing? Much like with a SaaS marketing plan, this answer isn’t one size fits all. The amount SaaS companies spend on marketing can vary widely depending on several factors. 

Looking broadly at company size and stage, a company could spend anywhere between 10% - 30% of their revenue on a SaaS marketing plan with companies in their growth stage typically spending at the higher end of that range and startups at the lowest end of that range.

Importantly, if you want to make sure those marketing dollars are well spent, you should partner with one of the best SaaS marketing agencies out there, BOL.

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